Team Members

Dr. Konstantinos Laskaridis rer. nat. University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Geologist, Head in the Mineral Resources and Prospecting Dept. of H.S.G.M.E. He is Technical Responsible for the Accredited Ornamental Stones Quality Control Laboratory “LITHOS” of H.S.G.M.E., since 1999. For more than 30 years he is actively involved in European and National R&D projects for Ornamental Stones and Industrial Minerals. Most recent activity comprised the involvement in EU co-funded projects Min4EU, MINLAND, GeoERA, GSEU. Presently National Delegate of H.S.G.M.E. at EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) and member of the Mineral Resources Expert Group at EGS. Participates in Organizational and Technical Committees, Working Groups, International Scientific Committees, dealing with Mineral Raw Materials. From July 2022 he is the Director of the National Geological Museum of H.S.G.M.E. and President of its Scientific Committee.

Michalis Fitros is MSc Geologist. He is a graduate of the Department of Geology (2015) from the University of Patras, holds a Master’s Degree in Earth Materials-Environment (2017) with expertise in economic geology and mineralogy and he is a Ph.D. candidate in the same university. He is researcher and curator in the National Geological Museum of Greece, Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration. His scientific publications focus on the economic geology, mineralogy and development of the new generation education materials and programs concerning promoting geology in education through museums. His proven scientific work includes articles published in international geological journals (5), participation in international conferences (10) and publications of mineralogical books (3). He has participated in numerous research programs, scientific and educational seminars and conferences, documentaries, guided tours for students, groups etc. in the geology field trips, museums and geoparks.

Vasilios Skliros is a graduate of the Department of Geology of the University of Patras (2008), has a postgraduate degree in Geosciences and Environment in the section of ‘’Raw Materials and Environment’’ from Department of Geology of the University of Patras and is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Mining Engineering-Metallurgists at National Technical University of Athens since 2015. His research interests focus mainly on applied mineralogy, industrial minerals and rock analysis (structure, composition, uses/applications), petrology, and the application of spectroscopic methods in geosciences. He is trained in a wide range of modern analytical methods at mineral and rock analysis with multiple applications such as Optical Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Differential Thermal Analysis, X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and Raman Spectroscopy. He has participated in research programs at the National Technical University of Athens.

Prof. Niki Evelpidou, leader for the NKUA team, concentrates on both basic and applied research on geomorphology and natural hazards. She is an active member of the Faculty with high managerial and research skills, coordinator of a great number of scientific publications and national annual events on the disciplines covered by the Faculty. She has been appointed by the European Science Foundation of the EC as a National Delegate to participate in a number of COST Actions while she has participated in more than 50 research projects Her didactic and research work focuses on geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, Quaternary geology, applied geomorphology, palaeogeography, sea level changes and modelling of natural hazards.

Alexandros Petropoulos is a PhD candidate at the NKUA. He holds a degree in Geology & Geoenvironment (EKPA) and a postgraduate degree in "Geography and Environment" from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research activities are interdisciplinary and mostly focused on coastal geomorphology - coastal processes and the effects of climate change and on palaeo-environmental and palaeo-geographical reconstructions/evolutions. He has participated in many research programmes conducted by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), Hellenic Survey of Geology & Mineral Exploration (HSGME), European Commission for Education and Training (ERASMUS/ ERASMUS+) and Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change (YPEKA - D14), gaining significant experience in applied environmental geology and environmental education.

Dr. Giannis Saitis holds a PhD from the Faculty of Geology & Geoenvironment, of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He holds a degree in Geology from University of Patras and MSc in “Environmental Geology” from NKUA. He’s scientific activities varies as he is working on geomorphology and coastal geomorphology, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical analysis, natural and anthropogenic hazard analysis of tsunami impact and flash floods. Dr. Giannis Saitis has also experience in geochemistry, environmental geology and mineralogy. His skills are rich as he has more than 14 years of fieldwork experience (mapping, sampling, coring etc) and GIS systems. He has attended in many lectures in University classes, conferences/ workshops and training schools on geological subjects. He has participated in European and National research programmes on the subjects of the Environment, Geology, Environmental geology while he had the opportunity to attend as general manager to four projects and receive one research scholarship from the Greek ministry of education. Finally, Giannis Saitis is working as consultant Geologist for critical minerals exploration and exploitation.

Vasiliki Isouki is a geologist and researcher at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her scientific activities focus on the study of the coastal zone and specifically, on coastal geomorphology, coastal erosion, geoarchaeology, geographic information systems, and natural and anthropogenic hazard analysis. At the same time, she has participated in fieldwork in various geomorphological environments, such as coastal, and glacial. Moreover, she has attended training schools, lectures, seminars, and conferences/workshops on various geological topics.
Also, she has done an internship at the Hellenic Marine Research Center and has participated in sediment sampling and laboratory analyses.

Amalia Tzianopoulou is a researcher of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a degree in "Geology & Geoenvironment" and a postgraduate degree in "Water, Biosphere and Climate Change" from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She brings experience of project coordinating in Renewable Energy Industry in a variety of technical, environmental and ESG projects. Amalia Tzianopoulou also holds research experience in updating and revising international scientific literature for postgraduate courses. She has certified knowledge of GIS Software in Environment and Water Resources Management from the University of Thessaly. She participated in multiple fields works in the volcanic islands of Nisyros, Milos and Kimolos and presented in relative conferences. Her scientific activities focus on the study of Climate Change, Extreme weather phenomena, Flash floods, Sustainable solutions for drought mitigation (Photovoltaic parks and rainwater harvesting), Quaternary geology, Geographic Information Systems and Geomorphology.
Also, she has done an internship at the Hellenic Marine Research Center and has participated in sediment sampling and laboratory analyses.

Evangelos Spyrou is an honours graduate at the Faculty of Geology and Geo-environment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is an ardent researcher in the field of geomorphology, both regarding laboratory methods (laboratory analyses, Geographic Information Systems etc.) and field work and mapping. His research interests focus on the study of fluvial systems regarding geomorphology and geomorphological evolution, and coastal systems regarding coastal processes, morphodynamics and geomorphological evolution, as well as assessment and mapping of natural hazards such as floods, runoff erosion and coastal erosion. He has participated in field works (mapping, measures, sampling, coring, geoarchaeology, palaeogeographical reconstructions) in coastal, lagoonal and fluvial environments. He has conducted laboratorial analyses (granulometric analyses, sedimentological and stratigraphical analyses of drilling cores etc.).
Also, she has done an internship at the Hellenic Marine Research Center and has participated in sediment sampling and laboratory analyses.

Maria Tzima is a geologist (certified EurGeol #1635) with a MSc in Management of Water Resources from the National Technical University of Athens. She has more than 24 years of professional experiences in hydrogeological studies for groundwater aquifers, exploitation studies for groundwater bodies, water management, quality and quantity protection of groundwater resources, modeling groundwater flow and environmental impact assessments for technical projects. She is the coordinator of EFG’s Panel of Expert on Education that deals with educational matters in earth sciences at all education levels from primary school to postgraduate courses. Maria is the Secretary - General of Association of Greek Geologists and an active member of a committee for educational matters in Greece. Nowadays, she is a research fellow at Hellenic Survey Geology and Mineral Exploration. She has research experience in European Horizon & Life Diana projects. is a geologist (certified EurGeol #1635) with a MSc in Management of Water Resources from the National Technical University of Athens. She has more than 24 years of professional experiences in hydrogeological studies for groundwater aquifers, exploitation studies for groundwater bodies, water management, quality and quantity protection of groundwater resources, modeling groundwater flow and environmental impact assessments for technical projects. She is the coordinator of EFG’s Panel of Expert on Education that deals with educational matters in earth sciences at all education levels from primary school to postgraduate courses. Maria is the Secretary - General of Association of Greek Geologists and an active member of a committee for educational matters in Greece. Nowadays, she is a research fellow at Hellenic Survey Geology and Mineral Exploration. She has research experience in European Horizon & Life Diana projects.

Pavlos Tyrologou, is a research fellow at CERTH and external relation officer in EFG, holds a BSc (4 years Hons) degree in Geology and Applied (engineering) Geology from Glasgow University, an MSc in Applied Environmental Geology from Cardiff University and a PhD in Environmental Geotechnical Engineering from Imperial College London fully supported by a scholarship award from The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK. He is professionally accredited in the UK both as a Chartered Geologist and Eurogeologist in the field of Engineering Geology. Pavlos has 19 years of consultancy experience in various public infrastructure design/works in Greece, United Kingdom, Australia, Saint Maarten, and Madagascar. He is an expert witness for both the Athens Public Prosecutor’s Office and Athens Court of Justice. He has evaluated more than 100 research and business projects as independent evaluator for both the European Commission and Greek Government. Pavlos due to his expertise’s serves as Coordinator in the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) in the Panel Natural Hazard & Climate Change and is a member of the Panels of experts on soil protection. On the same note he is the Greek representative within the EFG council through the Association of Greek Geologists.

Alberto Sanchez is a Spanish Geologist with several post-grades’ courses in Geotechnical and Oil & Gas Engineering in Complutense and Politécnica universities of Madrid, respectively. Besides, he completed his studies with an Erasmus exchange in Italy and a Citius grant focused in economy and languages. Alberto has international experience and good skills in exploration, rock mechanics, water remediation and geotechnics. Nowadays, he is working for the European Federation of Geologist in Brussels as a project officer in charge of the management of Horizon 2020 projects. He has participated with the management in UNEXMIN, INTERMIN, ROBOMINERS, CHPM2030, REFLECT and PROSKILL. Besides, Alberto collaborates with the ICOG Spanish Association of Professional Geologists, as course developer and online teacher. is a Spanish Geologist with several post-grades’ courses in Geotechnical and Oil & Gas Engineering in Complutense and Politécnica universities of Madrid, respectively. Besides, he completed his studies with an Erasmus exchange in Italy and a Citius grant focused in economy and languages. Alberto has international experience and good skills in exploration, rock mechanics, water remediation and geotechnics. Nowadays, he is working for the European Federation of Geologist in Brussels as a project officer in charge of the management of Horizon 2020 projects. He has participated with the management in UNEXMIN, INTERMIN, ROBOMINERS, CHPM2030, REFLECT and PROSKILL. Besides, Alberto collaborates with the ICOG Spanish Association of Professional Geologists, as course developer and online teacher.

As the Communication Officer for the European Federation of Geologists (EFG), María A. López has experience in designing communication plans and implementing multimedia tasks for the EFG core activities and its EU-funded projects, such as updating social media channels and websites or organising online events. María holds a Master’s degree in Multimedia and has a cross-European educational and professional background. She is specialised in motion graphics, graphic design and video editing.

Dr. Vassiliki KOTRONI (female – born in 1965) acts as Research Director at the National Observatory of Athens. She has a PhD in Dynamic Meteorology (University Clermont-Ferrand, 1993). She has authored/co-authored >160 papers published in refereed international journals, and 4 book chapters in the fields of dynamic meteorology, numerical weather prediction, weather monitoring, atmospheric electricity, climatology, dynamics and societal impacts of weather-related natural hazards. Her citation report includes 3700 citations and an h-index 34 (11/22). She coordinates: (a) the operational weather prediction and related activities at NOA based on WRF and WRF-CHEM models, (b) the operation of ZEUS lightning detection network; (c) in collaboration with Dr. K. Lagouvardos, the concept, development and operation of (>350.000 daily visitors). She has/is coordinating/participating in many national and international projects with a total funding for NOA >4.500.000 Euros.

Dr. Kyriaki Makri is a Geologist, Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Observatory of Athens. She is a teacher of Geosciences at the 2nd High School of Athens. Her areas of expertise include the History of Geosciences, the History of Education, Teaching Methodology, Curriculum Design, Curriculum Studies, Teaching evolution of Natural Hazards, Environmental awareness, as well as the curricula construction for lifelong learning. Since 2021, she is a Curriculum Designer of skill Labs "Climate change - Natural disasters - Civil protection" for High School and of the course “Geology and Geography” for Junior High School at the Institute of Education Policy of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Since 2020 she works as a teacher of Science at High School, while she had worked as a Contract Lecturer for the course "Teaching of Geology" at the Department of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, during 2016 – 2018.

Dr. Aikaterini (Katerina) Papagiannaki (female) is Researcher ELE B’ at IERSD/NOA. She holds a PhD in Environmental Economics (National Technical University of Athens). Her areas of expertise include weather-related natural hazards and societal impact analysis, Index Decomposition Analysis, behavioural surveys. She is proficient in data analysis and statistical modeling. Her current research focuses on modelling the relationship between weather-related hazards and socio-economic impacts, development and analysis of databases of high-impact weather events, societal impacts and human fatalities in Greece and the Mediterranean area, and on behaviour models aiming to identify the drivers of individuals’ risk perception, precautionary behaviour and emergency response. She is author or co-author of >20 scientific articles and book chapters. Her citation report includes 800 citations and an h-index 14 (11/22). She has participated in various National and EU funded projects.

Dr I. Koletsis born in 1979 and his research field spans across Meteorology and Atmospherics Physics with particular emphasis on numerical weather prediction models and on data processing /analysis from meteorological data sets. He graduated from the Department of Physics (2002), holds a MSc (2006) as well as a PhD (2010) in Meteorology-Climatology and Physics of Atmospherical Environment. He participates in funded projects as an associate researcher at NOA as well as technical staff at the NOA meteorological stations network since 2006. He has published 19 papers in peer-reviewed journals, has received 283 citations and has an h-index 8. In 2016, he joined in the Scientific Group of Educational Meteorology of NOA, where he currently organizes and operates various educational programs. Also, he has been awarded for his presentations at two conferences as the best young researcher and three times for his excellent performance during his pre- and post-graduate studies.

Dr. Konstantinos/Kostas LAGOUVARDOS Research Director at NOA, born in 1964, has a PhD in Dynamic Meteorology (University PARIS 6, 1992). He has acted as a Research Associate in the CETP/CNRS (Centre d'étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires) Paris, France during the period 1992-1993, in the Lab. of Meteorology of the Athens University (Physics Dept) during the period 1993-1998, at the National Observatory of Athens during the period 1999-2002. Since 2002 he joined the National Observatory of Athens. He has authored/ co-authored >155 papers published in international journals, while his citation report includes 3150 citations and an h-index 32 (11/22). His is expert in the fields of dynamic meteorology, numerical weather prediction, lightning meteorology, climatology and dynamics of severe weather phenomena, weather monitoring networks. He is scientific coordinator of: (a) operational weather prediction at NOA based on BOLAM model and of related activities, (b) the National Observatory of Athens Automated Network of surface weather stations (NOAAN, 512 stations, 11/2022) (c) in collaboration with Dr. K. Lagouvardos, the concept, development and operation of (>350.000 daily visitors). He has/is coordinating/participating in many national and international projects with a total funding for NOA >4.200.000 Euros.

George A. Papadopoulos (PhD) holds the (tenured) rank of Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus. His research interests include Advanced Software Engineering, Ubiquitous Computing, Cloud Computing, Parallel and Distributed Programming Models, Technology Enhanced Learning, Medical Informatics, Assistive Technologies, Context Aware and Recommender Systems, and Internet Technologies. He has published over 150 papers as book chapters or in internationally refereed journals and conferences, he is a current or past member in the Editorial Board of 16 international journals and is serving or has served as a Chair or Steering or Program Committee member in more than 200 international conferences. Professor Papadopoulos is a recipient of an 1995 ERCIM-HCM scholarship award. He has been involved or is currently participating, as coordinator or partner, in about 100 internationally and nationally funded projects (total budget for his participation more than 8 MEURO) and has been invited by the E.U. as an Expert Evaluator or Reviewer more than 50 times. He is the Director of the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory (

Thomas Fotiadis (PhD) is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the SEIT laboratory. He is also a Visiting Lecturer of Computer Science and Engineering Department at the European University and Design and Multimedia at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. He completed his PhD at the Cyprus University of Technology, at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, which was on Virtual Well-Being: Emotional and Behavioral Appraisal Patterns of an Immersive User Experience". His Bachelor and MSc degrees were at the University of the Aegean at the Department of Product and Systems Design. His bachelor degree was in Product and Industrial Design Engineering, and the MSc degree focused on the building and promotion of Online Brand Identity using Human-Computer Interaction research methodologies. He participated as a researcher collaborator or an operator in diverse research projects (a) research algorithmic media - critical data studies (University of Cyprus), (b) CYberSafety II (Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus), (c) European MediaCoach Initiative (Erasmus +) (European University Cyprus) (d) Cyprus Ports Authority (EU-funded MONALISA 2.0 project), (e) Eye tracking evaluation (Cyprus University of Technology) (f) Cyprus ideology and dialect (Cyprus University of Technology) (g) Human emotional and behavioural appraisal (Cyprus University of Technology) (h) Online game experience (Folkwang University of Arts (Essen-Germany)). He has also worked on several other European programs in the public sector as a supervisor of the European Social Fund - European Commission program for four years in the Ministry of Education and Culture (2012-2016). His research interests focus on Digital Media, Media Literacy, Human-computer Interaction, User Experience, and Online Branding.

Evangelia Vanezi (M.Sc.) is currently a Researcher at the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory at the Computer Science department of the University of Cyprus. As a member of the laboratory she is involved in numerous EU funded projects. She holds a graduate (B.Sc.) degree in Computer Science and a post-graduate (M.Sc.) degree in Internet Computing, from the same department. She is currently pursuing a PhD degree. Her research interests and expertise include Web-based Software Engineering, User Management Systems Development, Privacy in Software Systems, Data Protection in Software Systems, Privacy verification in Software Systems, Formal Methods in Software Engineering Methodologies and Privacy by Design in Software Development. Her skills include programming in several languages, and developing of web and mobile applications.

Professor Sarantos Psycharis is Full Professor at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education ( and for many years he teaches courses relevant to Engineering and Science Education and ICT in Education. He holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow in Computational Physics and MSc in Information Technology, KUA and Bachelor Degree in Physics from NKUA. He was Chancellor of ASPETE. He has published more than 120 publications in STEM Education and he has been involved in many European and National Projects for “STEM Education”. From 2015-2018 he was Scientific director of the MSc program “STEM in Education” a validated MSc program. Professor Psycharis has developed STEM applications that can be used in school education as well as in Tertiary Education. He is the President of the Hellenic Society for STEM Education ( and member of the Editorial board of the Journal Hellenic Journal of STEM Education.

Anna-maria Galani is a creative coder with an educational foundation in Computer Science and Physics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the National Kapodistrian University, followed by a master's degree in Computer Science from Harokopio University of Athens, specializing in Web Development. With a focus on new media and AR technologies, Annamaria is committed on developing visual experiences through cutting-edge technology, her technical skills include developing AR/VR applications and interactive media experiences. She has worked for various new media studios across Europe, her contributions include interactive technological projects such as Science Museums, Tokyo Olympic Games, Theater interactive media workshops. Additionally, from a young age Annamaria has worked for educational STEM programs aimed at empowering teenagers with digital skills for several organizations in Greece.