About the project
During times of increased social distancing related to COVID-19 , innovation and exploitation of online platforms and digital infrastructures is the key to maintain successful pedagogical strategies. Problems like:
- weather conditions
- financial difficulties
- pandemics
- accessibility problems, etc.
TRiPGiFT project comes to propose a uniform and integrated teaching and learning guideline from all partners by utilizing the most recent trend of technologies in education that promotes the distance education integrated with STEM interdisciplinary approaches, implementing Virtual field trips (VFTSs). VFTSs are an interactive and engaging approach, providing the basis for a range of educational activities and challenges. They can have an important role in the educational process and, in combination with the existing educational material from different sources, they could provide a comprehensive educational and high-level teaching and learning process.

This material is intended to be an accompanying – explanatory tool, of the educational textbook for the tutors in the Secondary Education in the courses of Geoscience, while it can also serve in other initiatives focused on STEAM based integrated approaches. This digital learning, focuses on many different educational objectives, helping students to gain knowledge and develop the so-called STEAM based competencies. By the creation of virtual field trips, teaching focuses on enriching and not on reproducing knowledge. The critical ability of students towards geoscience phenomena is developed and cultivated through analysis, evaluation and connection of information provided by digital material. The development of the material gives the impetus for the integration of a new way of teaching and learning through the so-called transversal competencies. Teachers will have a more guiding role, they will organize their teaching in order for students to be engaged in inquiry based teaching and engineering design, and students take an active role in decoding scientific knowledge acting in alignment with the practices of Scientists and Engineers.