Pentelikon Marble Virtual Field Trip

Samaria George Virtual Field Trip

Thunder Virtual Field Trip

About the project

During times of increased social distancing related to COVID-19 , innovation and exploitation of online platforms and digital infrastructures is the key to maintain successful pedagogical strategies. Problems like: TRiPGiFT…Continue readingAbout the project


TRiPGiFT consortium consists of 6 partners from 3 different countries. The TRiPGiFT consortium will undertake the creation of an integrated interdisciplinary 3D digital imaging open platform, for virtual field trips…Continue readingPartners

Team Members

Dr. Konstantinos Laskaridis rer. nat. University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Geologist, Head in the Mineral Resources and Prospecting Dept. of H.S.G.M.E. He is Technical Responsible for the Accredited Ornamental Stones Quality Control…Continue readingTeam Members
